Hmong building, partly demolished |
Arty picture of burn pile |
Depression holds a lot of yard waste. |
Goats in the completed pen. |
Here are some plants. Other plants not shown are: Iris douglasiana, Distichilis spicata, Elymus elymoides, Mimulus guttataus, Heracleum lanatum, Populus fremontii |
the aviary |
Juncus xiphiodes or Iris leaved rush |
curly willow Salix spp |
Baccharis douglasii or Marsh Baccharis |
Cornus sericea or red-stem dogwood |
Acer negundo or Box elder, with delicious weeds |
Redwood or Sequoia sempervirens |
Juncus spp. |
Lady |
Euthamia occidentalis or Western goldenrod |
Acer negundo again |
Blueberries! |
Frost peach |
Cruel nature. |